Heartbeat Data from Cal Poly's Arabian Horses

For information on the experimental conditions and meaning of the following data, please e-mail me at pbsiegel@cpp.edu.

bon1.txt , can1.txt , char1.txt , char2.txt , char3.txt , char4.txt , char5.txt , char6.txt , char7.txt , char8.txt , char9.txt , char10.txt , char11.txt , char12.txt , char13.txt , char14.txt , char15.txt , char16.txt , char17.txt , char18.txt , cpt1.txt , cpt2.txt , eureka1.txt , far1.txt , gt1.txt , gt2.txt , gt3.txt , gt4.txt , gt5.txt , gt6.txt , gt7.txt , gt8.txt , gt9.txt , gt10.txt , gt11.txt , gt12.txt , gt13.txt , jamie1.txt , jobe1.txt , jobe2.txt , jobe3.txt , kill1.txt , kill2.txt , lord1.txt , lord2.txt , mi1.txt , on1.txt , pal1.txt , pal2.txt , pork1.txt , pork2.txt , pork3.txt , rain1.txt , rain2.txt , rain3.txt , red1.txt , red2.txt , red3.txt , red4.txt , red5.txt , red6.txt , red7.txt , red8.txt , red9.txt , red10.txt , royal1.txt , royal2.txt , roz1.txt , roz2.txt , roz3.txt , sprain1.txt , spring1.txt , star1.txt , star2.txt , tu1.txt , tu2.txt ,

The following data are from the Polar heart-rate monitor. For information on the experimental conditions and meaning of the following data, please e-mail me at pbsiegel@cpp.edu.

panak1.txt , pbonnie1.txt , pbrez1.txt , pchar1.txt , peureka1.txt , pgt1.txt , pholly.txt , pkill1.txt , plarry1.txt , pmatt.txt , prain1.txt , prain2.txt

The following are corrected data from some of the Polar heart-rate monitor. For more information, please e-mail me at pbsiegel@cpp.edu.

pANAKINc.txt , pAUSTc.txt , pBILLc.txt , pBONc.txt , pBREEZc.txt , pCHARc.txt , pDANCERc.txt , pDREAMYc.txt , pFEVERc.txt , pGTc.txt , pHUGHc.txt , pJAIMc.txt , pKILLc.txt , pKOMELc.txt , pLAFITc.txt , pLARRYc.txt , pMIMIMIc.txt , pNICK2c.txt , pPORKYc.txt , pRAINc.txt , pROYALc.txt , pROYc.txt , pROZc.txt , pSAFIREc.txt , pSAMc.txt , pSARAHc.txt , pSTARLAc.txt , phollyc.txt , pmattc.txt ,

The following data are on humans, and are for use in the RISE program:

tony.txt, holly.txt , stormy.txt, georgana.txt , richard.txt , sandra.txt , adriana.txt .

"Distribution" Data for the RISE program:

dist1.txt , dist2.txt , dist3.txt , dist4.txt .

"o" sound data for the rise program: myooo.dat, sharon1.txt, sharon2.txt, Rashied's O-sound, Rashied's E-sound.

ANOVA1 data for the rise program: anova1.xls

Extended time data (20,000 heartbeats) for scaling analysis:
carol01.txt , dustin1.txt , jacob1.txt , jason1.txt , pete6h1.txt .

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